I think this is it, the year the new record gets released…thinking about some different releasing options. We would like to release this on vinyl…all the cool kids are doing it, however…we have more material recorded than what the vinyl format allows.
SO, is this a downside? Nope, it just means more options. We will also do a digital release as well… should the vinyl have songs only available on the vinyl? Should we release a part 1 part 2? The only obstacles really left in the way from this getting done is financing. Should we go the crowd sourcing route? Pre-order? Bake sale? Sell our asses on Leavenworth? All valid questions I think.
Here’s what we do know, the songs on this album will make your dick hard…or any private no no places for that matter.
We would like some feed back though. What do you all think? Feel free to tell us what you think below.